Alisa Valdes spoke at Collected Works Bookstore the other night about her new book, “The Feminist and the Cowboy.” A few days later, her blog post, “Shit Borderline Moms Say,” popped up in a Google Alert. Her borderline mom lives in Santa Fe, naturally.
At least 3,000 people struggle with borderline personality here in Santa Fe, according to epidemiological surveys of mental illness across the United States. I would argue that the borderline population in Santa Fe is much larger, because Santa Fe has become a Mecca for people struggling with the identity issues. Lacking a stable personal identity, some borderlines try to create an identity by linking themselves to a specific location.
Research suggests that a major cause of personality disorders is having a parent who is psychotic or borderline. The specific disorder a child will develop is dependent on how the child was used by his or her toxic mother. Some mothers use their children to give themselves an identity—“I am a perfect mother and this is my perfect child.” Such children grow up self absorbed and narcissistic.
Other mothers ignore and devalue, blaming their child for everything that goes wrong. These mother project their own bad feelings onto their child. When a child’s own feelings and emotions are constantly invalidated, the child fails to develop a cohesive identity and remains emotionally stuck in childhood, which is why borderline women often act like two-year-olds.
Alisa Valdes says she was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder in 2011. The blogasphere is now filled with stories about her borderline love affair with a Texas cowboy. It turns out her Rambo was in fact a rapist. Or was he? She loved him. Or she hated him. It’s a borderline thing.
Borderline women are sometimes drawn to men with caretaker personalities. Virtually all the women who have been sexually abused by their psychiatrists have been borderline. Caretakers, like therapists, are willing to tolerate the roller coaster emotions of borderline women.
Alisa hates caretaker personalities. She loved them once, but not anymore. Now she says they are weak and emasculated and calls them “icky liberal men.”
In her book talk at Collected Works, she said she now rejects liberal Marxist feminism and embraces female submission to a perfect macho man. Her book describes her brief borderline love affair with her middle-aged Republican cowboy. He was her perfect macho soul mate.
Alisa’s father is an outstanding scholar and emeritus professor at UNM. Years ago, I took his graduate level course on the history and sociology of Cuba, the country of his birth. He was certainly idiosyncratic, and his clothes were obviously not his priority. He once came to class for an entire week with trouser legs of different lengths.
He has an encyclopedic knowledge of Cuba and expects his students to master the assigned readings and do independent research. His lectures included everything from a discussion of mob influence in pre-revolutionary Cuba to stories of how mothers living near the Bay of Pigs began naming their newborns “Usnavy” after witnessing the failed invasion.
I loved his class, but many students did not. Fifty percent of the student evaluations on “Rate the Professor” label him a poor teacher. These students complain that he did not lecture from the textbook and that he did not teach to the test. These complaints are childish, in my view. Adult students should not expect spoon-feeding in a graduate level course.
The Professor had a reputation for being a ladies' man. One fellow student said he “is just another macho Cuban, like Desi Arnaz.” Indeed, the Professor himself alluded to Cuban machismo when he told us how the CIA found it impossible to maintain security at the mercenary training camp they set up in Mexico for Cuban exiles preparing for the invasion. Despite a camp lockdown, Cuban trainees would sneak into town every night to hook up with women of easy virtue. Cuban machismo was all about courage and sex.
Another classmate did not know much about economics, so I loaned her “Elementary Price Theory” by Peter Dooley. One day she told me she had a crush on our professor, and was delighted when he began inviting her out for coffee and more.
I wonder if Alisa’s search for the perfect macho man is a search for somebody just like dear old dad.
Alisa describes her relationship with her cowboy in typical “I hate you, don’t leave me” borderline style. She loved him. He was her master. Then she hated him. He was her monster.
Finally, she imagined that her cowboy was planning to murder her. She literally runs away, fleeing into the arms of the next perfect lover. She sounds just like Sally, my borderline fiancée in Santa Fe. Every borderline’s story is completely different, but their pathological behavior is exactly the same.
The borderline relationship Alisa describes in her book was just another failed relationship. Every partner was perfect until he was not. Each man was her hero. Then he was zero. It is of course not her fault. Nothing is ever her fault. It’s a borderline thing.
Alisa complains that her publisher is not supportive now that she has told her truth about her cowboy. Like all borderlines, she feels empty and unloved. Any failure to give unconditional support is experienced by her as total betrayal and rejection. She feels just like she did when her mother failed to support her when she was a little girl. Whenever she feels traumatized, she must act out. She has no other coping skills.
It has happened before. In 2000, Valdes accused her employer, The St. Petersburg Times, of racism and discrimination. Her accusations were contained in the snotty tirade that was her letter of resignation. She claimed that the paper’s use of the word “Latino” is a form of genocide. The word “Latino” was bad.
Alisa now runs a Latina Book Club and is Latina Magazine’s Woman of the Year. Latina is empowering. Latina is good. Black is white and white is black. It’s a borderline thing.
The trauma that a borderline mother inflicts on her daughter is devastating to the child’s emotional development. Unless someone comes to the child’s aid, the victimized little girl remains emotionally stuck in the earliest years of childhood, reacting for the rest of her life as if she was a defenseless little girl. Borderline women never overcome the damage their mothers have inflicted on them. With proper therapy, however, they can learn how to cope.
My heart goes out to Alisa and I wish her well, even if that makes me another emasculated icky liberal man.
Alisa's "borderline thing" continues in the comments section below...
Found this post while searching for Alisa's new blog, which is all about how having BPD is a barrier to getting over a terrible breakup...or something. The guy Alisa moved in with TWO MONTHS after The Cowboy dumped her has now dumped her in his turn, and she's chronicling every.last.detail of the breakup in a new blog on Psychology Today. It is fascinating trainwreck reading. If guys don't learn to stay away from Alisa after this...they have a serious masochism problem.
ReplyDeleteThe blog has been deleted. I imagine the Psychology Today editors are delighted and proud of her, like all of us who have unfortunately come into contact with this paragon of maturity and class. After resigning from her previous job, she is working back here in Albuquerque for the South Broadway Cultural Center. I give her until Xmas to leave that too and start spitting out nasty things about them as well.
ReplyDeleteOther Anonymous - I saw that. I actually really like the South Broadway Cultural Center and feel they deserve better than the car crash they are about to experience, when Alisa goes off the side of the road at 110 mph. Although - I don't understand how she got the job in the first place? She has no management experience and CERTAINLY no financial management experience, if her own life is any indication. There's more to running a facility than programming events. If she makes it to February without bankrupting the place, it will be a miracle.
ReplyDeleteP.S. - don't know if you saw, but she's already posted pictures of the new young boyfriend she's "in love" with on her Facebook page. SMH...
From Alisa's Facebook Page:
ReplyDeleteCity of Albuquerque fired me today, for not participating in a major corrupt operation having to do with cronyism. Details to come. Reporters call me. 559-3100.
You were wrong..not Xmas...3 weeks later. Geez.
Ms. Valdes is engaged yet, once again to another man months after the breakup of the guy that was after the cowboy.
ReplyDeleteI think it is very wrong that she can so easily trash people so publicly without any repercussions. Now that she's been fired from City of Albuquerque Cultural Affairs, she is trashing that department too -
Oh my! Another younger boyfriend! Seriously, she could write a novel about her cougar-esque adventures and it will sell better than her novelitas. Of course she is badmouthing the City, the SBCC and whoever has had the naivete or the courage to hire her and then...let her go. Chinga, they do not learn.
ReplyDeleteThe plot thickens. Now A V and new boyfriend are asking for help: a sex harassment case against the city of Albuquerque. Beau Brian is the one being harassed, not her....
Ah yes, crowdfunding- AV's favorite scam. She tried to raise 100K on Kickstarter for the never-ending project of raising money to make a movie of her only successful boo (unsuccessfully). Then started another Kickstarter project to raise 3K for travel money to go pick up the checks that were "just waiting'' to fund the project, (successfully), then in in an interview with the Albuquerque paper talked about how she spent the money on video equipment to film a trailer for her latest ''literary'' output. What amazes me is that nobody ever seems to call her on this crap, and her little fangirls just keep lining up to be fleeced. Also, ever notice how her literary/film career always seems to miraculously rejuvenate about the time she's looking for a new victim, er boyfriend'?
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled upon this googling Alisa Valdes Rodriguez, as it seems she made a suicide attempt and then closed her facebook account a few days ago. Does anyone know about her? Like the author of the blog I was (many, many years ago) a student of Nelson Valdes and always thought the guy was strange for a Cuban...a Cuban exile who was a Marxist and actually liked Fidel Castro. He was married at that time to a woman (not Alisa's mother) who people said was a Cuban spy, he brought her from the island and apparently she returned there later??? Anyway, it looks like Alisa has had some rough times recently after her fiance left her and all the borderline stuff. She is quirky as hell but I do like her books.
ReplyDeleteNah, she is back on Facebook, though her blog reads
April 30, 2015
Four days ago, I did the unthinkable. I pulled the plug. I killed Facebook. At least, I killed my own Facebook – including my personal profile, author page and other pages/groups. And Twitter. Killed Twitter, too. I tried to kill my LinkedIn account, but they wouldn’t let me because I had more than 500 contacts. I’m working on it.
Then she is back. It must be a borderline thing :-)
This lady is totally bat shit crazy....
ReplyDeleteAaaaannnndddd, another break up, with another guy who was Mr. Perfect, then Mr. Antichrist. And with it, more very disturbing allegations of abuse. Gotta love the madness of social media addiction.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say here that Brian Matthews is the sweetest, nicest guy on earth. His only fault was getting involved with Miz Alisa, who is old enough to be his mamma, and who became obsessed wit him and almost got him fired from his city of alb. job. If this lady has a mental problem she should get herself some help, pronto! and stop obsessing about younger guys who ain't just that much into her.
ReplyDeleteSorry to keep using this blog as a way to discuss Alisa Valdes' vida loca, but... :-)
ReplyDeleteSurprise surprise, mere months after "the worst breakup of her life" (I honestly wonder at this point if she even knows how many times she's been dumped) she has a NEW BOYFRIEND who TOTALLY GETS HER, Y'All! They've *found each other*, awww. I am totally sure this new relationship will not be anything like her previous dozen or so relationships and end in her getting hysterical at the guy when he runs for his life. From what I've observed, here's the cycle:
- Meet new guy (hey you guys, OMG, I met someone!!)
- (3 weeks later) New guy is like the ultimate pinnacle of perfection, OMG! It's like fate!
- (1 month after that) we're moving in together because our love is just so perfect!
- (6 months into the relationship) OMG you guys I'M ENGAGED!! (posts then follow for a few months where she casually mentions planning the wedding, going dress shopping, etc.)
- 1 year in there's a big fight, crisis, suicide attempt by Alisa, etc. But it's all good because she and the current Mr. Right make up and all is well.
- 18 months in we don't hear so much about the fiance any more. Wedding is supposedly coming up but she doesn't share details or seem excited. Vague allusions to relationship problems.
- 2 years after meeting the new love of her life - it's all over. This breakup is the most awful, terrible, horrible thing ever. Mr. Perfect was NOT perfect but a narcissistic abuser.
- 3 months after that - hey guys, guess what, I MET SOMEONE!!
It really is like watching borderline personality disorder play out in slow motion. Is she ever, EVER going to get real help for her problems? I hope so.
You have described her and her MO to a T!
DeleteRight on schedule:
This year Alisa has had FOUR “relationships” in two months! She declared each guy to be her new soul mate and published his picture on Facebook. One guy was a Chemist. Another was a Nurse who took care of her during one of her suicide attempts. The first three guys each dumped her within 24 hours and were promptly deleted from her page. She’s moving in with the fourth guy, who lives in Santa Fe. She declared they were “In a Relationship” on March 2. The guy’s mother passed away March 4, 2014, at age 50. Alisa is 47.
ReplyDeleteI really want to meet this woman, but it looks like I'll have to go to Santa Fe to do it. I need to witness the crazy up close.
ReplyDeleteBut everyone seems to be right about the dating/relationship pattern, we should be expecting "engagement" status soon as she just moved in with her new BF. I'm wondering how long this one will last... Total Train wreck. I kinda feel bad for the guy, does he know what he's getting into?! GET OUT NOW! LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah, I too feel for these guys she snares, but I feel much worse for her son. While her recent post about moving in with the latest "soul mate", claims that she's moving from the house she's lived in with her son "for the last 15 years", previous posts from her have indicated at least 5 or 6 moves in the last 6,7 years, and almost an annual school change for him. Let's hope his father is more of a stable influence for him.
ReplyDeleteWell now she's claiming to have been hired as a staff writer for the Santa Fe newspaper, I wonder what the over/under is for how long it takes for that to turn into a brutal fiasco like her association with the South Broadway Cultural Center, the L.A. Times, Ann Lopez, ELLEN magazine and every other organization or person foolish enough to involve themselves with her. Then again, it seems I remember a few years ago, she posted that she'd been hired for the same position by a small town paper somewhere in the south valley, but then never brought it up again. Perhaps the New Mexican will be fortunate enough to likewise dodge the bullet.
ReplyDeleteSo she is a Latina cougar? Maybe that will be her next book...She is going for icky liberal (young) men again. The cowboy was surely a controlling jerk but he gave her some good advice.
ReplyDelete"The cowboy was surely a controlling jerk"? Based on what? The only thing anybody knows about the guy is what Valdes said, and given her history she'd be the last person I'd consider a reliable source. In fact, it doesn't take much research to find a slew of her own writings praising the guy, even after he finally had all he could stand.
DeleteYou are right. Who knows what the guy was really like.
DeleteAnd now for the new relationship...again described as "the best one in her life"
"As I write this, the best relationship I’ve ever had in my entire adult life – and I am 47 years old already – has come to an end."
And confirmed. Her latest relationship ended. From the looks of it, they were in the process of buying a home together in Santa Fe.
ReplyDeleteFascinating! Her author page hasn't been updated since mid-June, blog hasn't been updated since was she going to buy a house with terrible credit and a freelancer job, I wonder? Good for the dude for getting out of while the gettin' was good :)
DeleteOh, Lord.
ReplyDeleteSo I think this is a really relevant thing to discuss in the context of this blog, that explores "what is it like to be in a relationship with a borderline person?" I would be really curious to hear if Alisa's behavior is typical for folks with BPD when they break up with someone.
So she writes this whoooole lonnnng blog post about how woe is me, her brain is just wired wrong, she feels things too intensely, and that's why she keeps screwing up all her relationships. But I'm reading through the blog, and she's talking about "oh, see, this is how I screwed up with BOYFRIEND'S NAME and this is why BOYFRIEND'S NAME doesn't want to talk to me any more and I was trying to text BOYFRIEND'S FULL NAME but then I had to change the contact info in my phone..." I don't get it. It seems like such a patent ploy for his attention, to write an entire blog post about how much she screwed up with this dude and then give step-by-step instructions for how she's not going to stalk this dude any more (hey dude, word to the wise, CHANGE YOUR PHONE NUMBER). 1. Why write the blog post at all, if you're working through things in therapy and ostensibly have a therapist to talk to? 2. Why put your own sh*t on blast, and go into minute detail about all the things you did wrong? It seems like public self-flagellation to me. 3. Why put the dude's name out there, if you are sorry for what you did to him and don't want him to suffer any more and are just trying to move on??? Oy vey.
She is crazy like a fox, in my opinion. That blog post is the most patent passive-aggressive digital crotch shot/cry for attention I've ever seen. I don't believe that her "brain disorder" doesn't allow her to understand that writing a post like that is super-toxic, creepy-stalker, grossly unacceptable behavior. Who does she think she's fooling? I guess the little fangirls who compliment her for being "brave" when she does things like this, even though you know this is all about them living vicariously through her craziness.
This sounds awfully similar to the (now deleted but still in the Internet archives) blog in when she was getting over the break up with another boyfriend. Everything happens "for the first time in her life".
"But thanks to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which I've only just begun, I haven't done any of those things, today. I have not given in to the destructive impulses of this most painful of breakups, for the first time in my life.
I have only just begun this journey, and this blog is going to chronicle the whole trip from full-blown borderline to recovery. I’ve had triumphs today. No, they are not monumental golden medals of greatness, just the simple fact that I've carried on a seemingly normal life in spite of being dumped by my fiance: I got up on time today; I went to work; I registered my son for school; I did not allow myself to think about suicide. Most of all, I haven't hounded the ex. I've let him go.
I hope you will continue on this journey with me. It took many years for me to get a proper diagnosis, for me to realize, holy smokes, it’s not everybody else messing up my life; it’s me."
Then, on another post, she also refers to him (the boyfriend back then) at the most fulfilling "relationship she has in her life. To paraphrase her: pattern, anyone?
n this last relationship, one that I will without a doubt say has been the healthiest and most fulfilling I have ever had in my life, I have been able to keep the extreme crazy mostly at bay, thanks to having started a bit of DBT training. But a mild form of episodic outbursts remained, ones that I was nearly unaware of but which my partner felt very deeply wounding him with regularity. I wasn't chasing him down with a car or threatening to stab him; instead, I was finding fault with him. Constantly.
See more
Well, at least she's consistent. As so clearly outlined in the comment above, she follows her usual relationship pattern (though it seems that the lifespan of each new amor fou appears to be growing shorter). It's her POST-relationship MO however that merits closer scrutiny. First, she bemoans the loss of the latest "Mr. Perfect", listing a few BPD-driven actions on her part (suicidal thoughts, obsessive attempts to contact the recently-fled victim), and even hints at some of her own behavior which brought about the relationship's demise (but NEVER listing anything specifically, even though she claims that her entire chronicling of the affair is motivated by a desire to enlighten everyone on what it's like to live with BPD, and with someone stricken with the condition). But now that her efforts to retrieve the wayward paramour have proven fruitless, she moves on to Stage II: hinting that the blame lies at the feet of Mr. Previously Perfect by revealing private (and no doubt, privileged) information about the guy's personal life. Previously she had posted his entire name, but when one of her fangirls called her on the impropriety of doing so, she agreed and excused it with an "Oopsie" (which doesn't change the fact that it's already out there- mission accomplished, with a little mea culpa to CYA). The saga continues.
ReplyDeleteWow! I stumbled across this blog because she has struck again! I feel so bad for anyone who comes into contact with this venomous mongoose (because she hunts baby snakes and sucks out their insides). Thank you to the Creator of this blog I couldn't understand why anyone would act in the way she has but after reading this I well still don't understand but at least there's a little insight.